7 july 2018
The composition “Was Ist Schon Für Ewig?” will be a part of martin tchiba’s piano recital “fringeplay”. It will be performed on July, 7th 2018 at “XXVI. randfestspiele für neue musik”. He invited several composers to write meditative miniatures, based on 34 note pitches with associated durations. The short pieces will be arranged into one bigger piece, fringeplay. The composers are ferdinand breil (wp), martin daske (wp), rené kuwan (wp), ben lauber (wp), rainer rubbert (wp), martin tchiba (wp), christoph theiler / bcc wechselstrom (wp), yasuko yui (wp), linna zhang (wp), dustin zorn (wp), bánkövi gyula, bernd bleffert, miro dobrowolny, peter gilbert, thomas hoeveler, kecskés d. balázs, bence kutrik, mateo soto, gerhard staebler, lukas tobiassen, helmut zapf and others, sound: andre bartetzki.
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