
randspiele 2017

6 july – 9 july 2017 *** World premiere of “Der Schrei” (2017, for soprano and cello) and two organ works “Alle Menschen müssen sterben” (2016), “Schmücke dich, O liebe Seele” (2016) at the contemporary music festival randspiele 2017. The organ pieces will be performed on saturday 8th of july in berlin schoeneberg by Thomas

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fake death

7 july 2017 *** Fake death, a live performed radioplay at ritterbutzke, berlin. It will be broadcasted live at fluxfm in the evening. With pcnackt, the berlin string theory, t.rauschmiere, deadbeat, warren suicide, paul frick, ben lauber and more.

resonant space – copenhagen

28 june – 23 july 2017 *** Resonant Space continues traveling through europe. The real-time-generated multimedia installation Resonant Space (doering/lauber) is part of the group exhibition perspective playground at øksnehallen in copenhagen, denmark. øksnehallen halmtorvet 11 1704 københavn

prism – short video

10 may 2017 *** The film maker timothy o’driscoll made a 4 minutes short movie of the Prism happening, which was performed simultaneously by the string theory orchestra in berlin and goeteborg last year. You can watch it here on youtube.

resonant space – barcelona

10 march – 5 april 2017 *** The real-time-generated multimedia installation Resonant Space (doering/lauber) is part of the group exhibition perspective playground at recinto modernista de sant pau in barcelona, together with a2arquitectos, haruka kojin, humatic, martin butler, schnellebuntebilder. recinto modernista de sant pau barcelona spain more info: perspective playground barcelona 2017