Geister Ungesehen (2020)
theatre play for 3 actors and multimedia
by ANALOG theater cologne
The successfully established performance series “fictional biopics” (cologne theater prize 2017) is to be continued in 2020 with the project “Geister Ungesehen”. At the center of this new research project is a biography whose protagonist this time is a whole town: the mecklenburg-western pomerania demmin.
On the occasion of the anniversaries “75 years end of War” and “30 years german unity”, Geister Ungesehen locates itself at the interface between historical facts, performative fiction and film-documentary investigation. In an experimental search for clues, director daniel schuessler and ANALOG ensemble delve deep into the gloomy history of the small town of demmin in Western Pomerania, which gained notoriety at the end of World War II due to mass suicide and is still strongly influenced by it today.
Based on this trauma, ANALOG developed a multi-perspective film installation for the stage, which, like a collage, is dedicated to the topics of home, guilt and coming to terms with the past and is intended to help us understand where we come from, who we are and where we are going. The multimedia approach enables universal research into past as well as current trends in order to use the town of demmin as a starting point for a societal political debate.
actors: dorothea foertsch, lara pietjou, ingmar skrinjar
music composition: ben lauber
text: ANALOG ensemble
director: daniel schuessler
stage and costume design: eva sauermann
technical director: thomas vella
dramaturgy: tim mrosek
assistant director and production: hanna held
assistant director: sophie rossfeld
film director and camera: michael vella
management: silvia werner
public relations: neurohr & andrae
assistant stage design: annemarie koegl, maria doelz
choir: guenter august, ella baguio, simon greichgauer, anton held, luisa johnen, marie kalvelage, isabella kolb, frank korte, carina mischke, hartmut misgeld, tim mrosek, sophie rossfeld, britta schaible, alejandro josé pérez segura, bernd sondergeld, liesa strehler, michael streicher
funding: kulturamt der stadt cologne, das ministerium für kultur und wissenschaft nrw, rheinenergiestiftung kultur
kunstsalon theaterprize 2021 – won second prize
koelner theaterpreis (cologne theater award) 2020 – nomination
Kurt Hackenberg Preis 2020 – won
2021 nov 6 beermann arena demmin
2021 nov 5 beermann arena demmin
2021 spring and summer several streamings
2020 sep 6 studiobuehne cologne 2x (sold out)
2020 sep 5 studiobuehne cologne 2x (sold out)
2020 sep 4 studiobuehne cologne 2x (sold out)
2020 sep 3 studiobuehne cologne (sold out)
2020 sep 2 studiobuehne cologne, premiere (sold out)