Category Archives: world premiere

3 plus 4 = 5 mal 12

11 november 2018 *** The piano piece “3 plus 4 = 5 mal 12” will be premiered by nadezda tseluykina at klangwerkstatt berlin 2018 on sunday 11th november. On this evening, the ensemble JungeMusik will also perform works of the following composers: sowon yun, margarete huber, johannes hildebrandt, sujin lee wave, johannes boris borowski, taner

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die psychonauten: asche

5 september – 9 september 2018 *** The most recent theater piece of analogtheater will be premiered at september 5th at studiobuehne koeln. A quite dystopian view of the only person, who survives a nuclear blast. It’s about live, hope, guiltiness and salvation. “Asche” was written by konstantin kuespert. more info:

was ist schon für ewig? – fringeplay

7 july 2018 *** The composition “Was Ist Schon Für Ewig?” will be a part of martin tchiba’s piano recital “fringeplay”. It will be performed on July, 7th 2018 at “XXVI. randfestspiele für neue musik”. He invited several composers to write meditative miniatures, based on 34 note pitches with associated durations. The short pieces will

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randspiele 2017

6 july – 9 july 2017 *** World premiere of “Der Schrei” (2017, for soprano and cello) and two organ works “Alle Menschen müssen sterben” (2016), “Schmücke dich, O liebe Seele” (2016) at the contemporary music festival randspiele 2017. The organ pieces will be performed on saturday 8th of july in berlin schoeneberg by Thomas

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fake death

7 july 2017 *** Fake death, a live performed radioplay at ritterbutzke, berlin. It will be broadcasted live at fluxfm in the evening. With pcnackt, the berlin string theory, t.rauschmiere, deadbeat, warren suicide, paul frick, ben lauber and more.