koelner theaterpreis 2017 nomination
12 november 2017 *** The theater piece Nur Utopien Sind Noch Realistisch! was nominated for koelner theaterpreis (cologne theater award) 2017 by sk stiftung kultur.
12 november 2017 *** The theater piece Nur Utopien Sind Noch Realistisch! was nominated for koelner theaterpreis (cologne theater award) 2017 by sk stiftung kultur.
15 october 2017 *** a late night group therapy – how web chews war at vierte welt, berlin Two recently discussed questions: How is digitization changing our world? Is everything doomed anyways? These big questions and especially the accompanied feelings expose the hard facts: the common discussion formats are no longer helpful! Schudini the sensitive
6 september – 10 september 2017 *** The analogtheater ensemble performs the piece “Nur Utopien sind noch realistisch!” for the first time. It will be premiered at september 6th and shown till september 10th at studiobuehne koeln. The title of the piece is borrowed from the german philosopher oskar negt, about the development of utopian
12 – 13 november 2016 *** The performance/theatre piece Ok, Panik makes a stand at ballhaus ost in berlin at november 12th and 13th.
01 oktober 2016 *** The performance piece Ich Bin Ein Volumenjoker will be shown at favoriten-festival in dortmund at 1st of oktober 2016.
30 april 2016 – 1 may 2016 *** The performance piece Ich Bin Ein Volumenjoker makes a visit to berlin: 30 april 2016, 1 may 2016 at ballhaus ost berlin.
20 november 2015 *** The performative piece Ich Bin Ein Volumenjoker was premiered at ringlokschuppen in muelheim There are more appearances at studiobuehne cologne and kampnagel hamburg. More info at